More Discussions for this daf
1. The Time Of Kerias Shema of the Morning 2. Kerias Shema after midnight 3. Hash-m sefasei tiftach
4. The time for reading Shema 5. Be'chipazon - 6. Burning Kodshim on Yom Tov?
7. Vatikin versus Daf Yomi shiur 8. Contradiction within Rashi 9. Hanetz Hachamah
10. Sharp questions 11. Time the Malchei Umos ha'Olam Arise in the Morning 12. Lo Sechanim and Paskening Like Your Rebbi
13. Following the Ruling of your Rebbi 14. Earliest Time To Daven Shacharis 15. Saying Shema with Sunrise
16. Makas Bechoros 17. Vatikin and Acherim 18. Oso Tzadik
19. They "borrowed" from the Egyptians 20. Zman Krias Shema 21. Various questions (Leaving Egypt, Eliyahu, Ge'ulah l'Tefilah)
22. The sons of Raban Gamliel and their question 23. Achilas Korban Pesach 24. Vasikin
25. כדאי הוא ר' פלוני לסמוך עליו בשעת הדחק

Yossie Levitin asks:

Why do we commonly refer to the last makkah, Makkas Bechoros, in the feminine form? Even according to a medrash I once heard (but did not see) that the female firstborn also died, the main point of the miracle was regarding the male firstborn (i.e., Pharoh).

If you want to answer that since the preceding word, makkas, is used in the feminine form, then I would respond that we should be consistent for all of the makkos, and use the feminine form for all of them (e.g., makkas kinnos). Furthermore, the fast on Erev Pesach is called Taanis Bechorim, not bechoros, even though it is preceded by taanis, which presumably is feminine.

Indeed, Rashi in Berachos 9a (last line) calls it the "makkas ha'bechorim!"

Yossie Levitin, Spring Valley, NY

The Kollel replies:

In Tanach we find many feminine examples of Bechoros. Hevel brought "mi'Bechoros Tzono," in Devarim we find "Bechoros Bekarcha," and in some places it says "Bechorei," such as Nechemyah 10:37, where both "Bechoros" and "Bechorei" appear.

However, as the Gemara in Chulin 137b says, "The Torah's language is distinct, and the Sages language is distinct." In Chazal, the form is always "Bechoros" (as in "Maseches Bechoros," etc.). This may be due to the fact that in Aramaic, words like this always end with "os" in the plural, such as "Mo'ados" and not "Mo'adim."

It should be noted that there are masculine words which end in "os" in the plural even in the Torah, such as "Luchos," which are masculine, and "Shulchanos," which are masculine, so this is not a clear-cut feminine word.

It is also possible that if it were written "Bechorim," it could easily be confused with "Bikurim" which has the same spelling in Hebrew, and therefore Chazal preferred "Bechoros" to separate the two concepts.

Yoel Domb