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10. אבוקה או נר

Avraham Sacks asks:

Shalom, How does Devarim 16:7 teach "Melamed she'Teilech v'Timtza Ohelecha b'Shomom"? Thank you for your help,

Avraham Sacks, Ramat Beit Shemesh

The Kollel replies:

Dear Avraham,

The Torah Temima explains in the name of Iyei Hayam that it should have said- and you go to your gates (Shearecha) since before in Pasuk 5 the Torah says-as you come from "Shearecha". The change to Ohalecha, your tents (dwellings) infers that everything will remain intact and you will find all as was, in peace, because Sheluchei Mitzva are not hurt, even in return.

All the best, Reuven Weiner