More Discussions for this daf
1. Simchah on Yom Tov 2. Shalmei Chagigah or Shalmei Simchah 3. "shiur achila rishona"
4. Korban Chagigah 5. Chagigah Brought By Two 6. Being Mesameach the Levi, the Ger, the Yosom and the Almanah
7. ר' יוחנן חולק על חזקיה

tuvya marcus asked:

if you hold "toflin maot l'maot" - what is the shiur of the achila rishona that needs to be from Chulin? does that mean? i don't understand how that can work if you don't hold by breira. either you say that in every bite you take is the proportional value of the chulin and the maaser sheni money you put in, and only when you get to two ma'ah worth of chulin are you yotzei, or you hold by breira, and the first two ma'ah are chulin and the rest maaser.

in any case, what's the nafka mina, if the whole beheima is being eaten?


tuvya marcus, jerusalem, israel

The Kollel replies:

The amount of Achilah Rishonah is two kesef (see Chazon Ish Orach Chaim 129), which is the minimum amount of a chagigah mid'Rabbanan (mid'Oraisa it is even a small amount). The Sefer Avnei Hamakom (end of Siman 62) explains that this works without Bereirah, as the law is not that what you eat must be chulin, but rather that the animal must be brought using Chulin money covering the amount you would normally eat in your first meal. [As far as the nafka mina, the whole animal might not get eaten, and it certainly might not be eaten by one person.]

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose