More Discussions for this daf
1. The Emission of a Zav 2. Rebbi Shimon's Derashah 3. Zav
4. Sefer Torah in Greek 5. Dinei Metzora 6. Tum'ah of Metzora
7. Mishnah or Beraisa?

menachem friederwitzer asks:

dear rabbi

I am learning megillah 8b i wanted to know if a mezorah will touch a earthen vessel with a long stick will it become tumah or is this law only by tuma of a zav?

rashi sounds like only a zav

menachem friederwitzer, Israel

The Kollel replies:

Only by Zav (and Zavah, Nidah, and Yoledes) -- and not by Metzora -- is Tum'ah conveyed in your case of a Tamei moving a Tahor item.

The source is the Mishnah in Zavim 5:6, and the Mefarshim there --Tosfos Yom Tov (DH Echad ha'Meisit), Tiferes Yisrael (Yachin 52), Mishnah Achrona DH v'Echad ha'Nosei. See also Tosfos in Pesahim 67b, DH she'Ken.

(A Tahor person moving a Tamei, though, is different.)

All the best,

Reuven Weiner