The source given for the first of Nisan as the Rosh Hashanah for months is the verse stating that Pesach is in "the first of the months of the year" (Shemos 12,2) and another verse stating that Pesach is in the month of Aviv, when the new crops ripen, i.e. Nisan (Devarim 16,1).
The Gemara then goes on a discussion for an amud about various proofs why Nissan is the first of the months but I don't understand what the problem with the first pasuk i.e. Shemos 12,2? Doesn't this prove it outright?
Please explain what I have missed... thanks.
Marc Chipkin, Johannesburg, South Africa
The first Pasuk calls the month during which Hash-m was speaking to Moshe the first month, but there is nothing in the Pasuk to indicate which month that was. It is only from the second Pasuk, which teaches us that the Korban Pesach is brought in the spring (when the crops ripen), that we know that the first month referred to in the earlier Pasuk means Nisan.
Now look in Rashi DH 'ha'Chodesh ha'Zeh Lachem'.
Be'Virchas Kol Tuv
Eliezer Chrysler