According to the conclusion of the gemara on daf 6b from the tanna rebbi chiya "teyuvta" that we see a "boel niddah" somone who had relations with a woman nidda his "tvila" is at y0m at daytime but a regular nidda who is tamei here "tvila" time is at night and we concluded "tyuvta" that "BOEL NIDDAH IS NOT LIKE NIDDAH" we see.
BUT RASHI HAKODESH states on daf 7a first rashi D"H "kol tamuat mate" he states at the end "OBOEL NIDDAH KNIDDAH" ! That contadicts exactly what the gemara said!!! on 6b HELP ME EMAIL ME !!!!!
Daniel Charles Fishman, Lawrence, USA
Rashi (7a, DH "d'Kol") is not contradicting the previous Gemara. The previous Gemara established that a Bo'el Nidah and a Nidah Tovel at different times, while Rashi is stating that a Bo'el Nidah and Nidah are the same in that their Tumah is not of the nature which is Hutrah be'Tzibur. [Therefore, in a discussion regarding time of Tevilah it is appropriate to say "Bo'el Nidah Aino ke'Nidah," while in a discussion regarding Tumah Hutrah be'Tzibur we say "Bo'el Nidah k'Nidah."]
All the best,
Yaakov Montrose