5)a - The case of a boat: what is this case? is the get written or given on the boat?
does it matter where it came from?
5)c - what does ma'aser have to do with gitten in respect to l'shma or key'am chosmov. if a man gave a get standing on a hanging pot, would we say he has to say bifani becauce acc to so-in-so its like he isn't in eretz yisroal?
lenny zimberg, southfield michigan usa
Rashi explains that what the first Beraisa (the Chachamim) is teaching us is that the rivers of Eretz have the same Din as the land of Eretz Yisrael and that consequently, if a Get is written on a boat and transported directly to its destination, the Sheli'ach who brings it does not need to declare 'be'Fanai Nichtav ... '. Whereas, according to the second Beraisa (Rebbi Yehudah), as long as the boat is floating (and not scraping the river bed) it is as if is was in Chutz la'Aretz, in which case the Sheli'ach will have to declare 'be'Fanai Nichtav ... '.
There is no direct connection between Ma'aser and li'Sh'mah or Kiyam be'Chosamav at all. The connection between Get and Ma'aser is totally indirect, inasmuch as if a river is considered Eretz Yisrael regarding Ma'asros, then it is also considered Eretz Yisrael regarding being exempt from 'be'Fanai Nichtav ... ', and vice-versa.
And as for a hanging pot (as you call it), those who exempt it do not do so because it is not considered part of Eretz Yisrael, but because it is not considered attached to the ground (as Rashi explains), a Din which is not relevant to Gitin.
be'Virchas Kol Tuv
Eliezer Chrysler.