More Discussions for this daf
1. The prohibition of Semichah on Yom Tov 2. Rabbi Yochanan's understanding of "Re'iyah" 3. Olas Re'iyah
4. Talmud Torah 5. תוד"ה רבי יוחנן 6. ישראל יוצאין במעשר בהמה, וכהנים בבכור
7. רשי ד"ה אבל לא עולות

Rabbi Yosef G. Bechhofer asked:

What is the halacha of a tourist that comes le'heira'os at any time of year other than a regel? Is he mechuyav in olas re'iyah (not b'toras nedava, but b'toras chiyuv)?


Yosef Gavriel Bechhofer

Cong. Bais Tefila, 3555 W. Peterson Ave., Chicago, IL, 60659

The Kollel replies:

It would seem clear that one is not obligated to bring a Korban Chovah upon visiting the Azarah not during a Regel. In Chagigah 7a, even though according to Reish Lakish (as the Gemara originally thought), a new Korban is required for every day one enters the Azarah during a Regel, nevertheless this Reish Lakish limits this obligation to "the days of the Regel." [It is Dachuk to explain that Reish Lakish holds that one is obligated even after the holidays, and that the only reason he mentioned the holidays is because even Rebbi Yochanan would agree that he must bring a Korban after the holiday. Why should Rebbi Yochanan require a Korban after the holiday if he does not require one for every day of the holiday itself?]

The only possible source for bringing a Korban Re'iyah on a day other than during a Regel would be from the Gemara on 6a: "the Olah that Bnei Yisroel sacrificed in the desert (before Matan Torah) was an Olas Re'iyah'". According to Rashi this is called an Olas Re'iyah since it was brought upon "experiencing the Divine presence" although it did not occur during a Regel! However, it is pretty clear from the wording of Rashi that he does not mean that this Korban was an authentic Olas Re'iyah; Rashi is explaining that the term "Olas Re'iyah" in this Sugya is just a borrowed term.

(It could be added that the reason for bringing the Olas Re'iyah on the holidays is because when all Bnei Yisrael came together in the Mikdash the glory of Hash-m was revealed in full (as in Berachos 17b, by the days of Kalah), as opposed to the other days of the year, when His glory was not revealed in full even in the Mikdash. This explains the wording of Chazal "just as Hash-m comes to be seen " (Chagigah 2a), which implies that Hash-m "comes" to the Mikdash, as it were, during the holidays -- which answers the question on Rashi asked by Tosfos 2a DH Yir'eh.)

Mordecai Kornfeld

Yitzchok Zirkind comments:

It would seem clear that one is not obligated to bring a Korban Chovah upon visiting the Azarah not during a Regel.

The Mashmo'us Loshon Horambam Mitzvas L"S 176, and Loshon haChinuch # 490, is it is only for Aliyoh Lregel, and see Hil. Chagiag 2:6 "Einoi Eloh Bikar Horegel..Oi Tashlumei Rishon", and see Rashi on the Possuk Shmos 23:15, and it is a clear Toras Kohanim begining of Achrei Mois, "Avol Bishar Yemois Hashana Sheloi Nitztavu Lovoi Loi Nitztavu Shloi Lovoi Reikonim", in the

Sevara we can add that the concern for Sheloi Yehei Shulchanoch Molei vs. Shulchan Rabboch Reikon (as the loshon Hakosuv Vloi..Reikom), is where there is an obligation towards Shulchanoch.

The only possible source for bringing a Korban Re'iyah on a day other than during a Regel would be from the Gemara on 6a: "the Olah that Bnei Yisroel sacrificed in the desert (before Matan Torah) was an Olas Re'iyah'".. According to Rashi this is called an Olas Re'iyah since it was brought upon "experiencing the Divine presence" although it did not occur during a Regel! However, it is pretty clear from the wording of Rashi that he does not mean that this Korban was an authentic Olas Re'iyah; Rashi is explaining that the term "Olas Re'iyah" in this Sugya is just a borrowed term.

Doesn't Beis Shamai learn from it?

The Ragitchover on "Al Toisef Rois Ponai (Shmos 10:28) is Mitzayin to this (?) Gemara, meaning that Paroh said not to bring up to me the request of bringing Korban for Rois Ponai. (It could be added that the reason for bringing the Olas Re'iyah on the holidays is because when all Bnei Yisrael came together in the Mikdash the glory of Hash-m was revealed in full (as in Berachos 17b, by the days of Kalah), as opposed to the other days of the year, when His glory was not revealed in full even in the Mikdash. This explains the wording of Chazal "just as Hash-m comes to be seen" (Chagigah 2a), which implies that Hash-m "comes" to the Mikdash, as it were, during the holidays -- which answers the question on Rashi asked by Tosfos 2a DH Yir'eh.)

See also Yuma 54a "Mgalilin (Mgalin) Lohem Es Haporoiches".

Kol Tuv

Yitzchok Zirkind