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Sendy G asks:

R Evyasar criticized those who went to learn for months at a time instead of being home and osek in pirya vribya (per Rashi)

How is this different than rabbi akiva leaving his wife for 24 years?

Sendy G, Usa

The Kollel replies:

Hu Sendi,

Thank you for your great question.

First, let me say, that in Kesubos 62 we find that Ben Azai, was married at least for a short time to Rebi Akiva's daughter and it is well known that the discussion in the Talmud literature whether it is permitted to learn Torah and not be Osek in Pirya ve'Rivia is always around the Ben Azai case, and never around the Rebi Akiva case.

The story of Rebi Akiva is brought down in three places. In Nedarim 50a, in Kesubos 62b, and in Avos de'Rabi Nasan 6;2. It is worth while reading all three versions, since there are significant variants in the story.

If we take into account all we know about Rebi Akiva's personal life (not too much actually), the bottom line brings most scholars to believe that Rebi Akiva was home a few years until he went out to learn for the 12 or 24 years, and he had four children during those 6-7 years. The well-known story that he was sitting by the Aleph Bais teacher when he was forty, is brought down in Avos de'Rabi Nasan with a twist. He was sitting there with his 'Beno Katan'.

In this case, he left his house after he fulfilled the main Chiyuv of Pirya ve'Rivya. The Gemara actually brings the story as a proof that a woman can be Mochel on the Chiyuv of Onah.

This is an interesting paper written by an ubelievable Talmid Chacham, Rav Eitam Henkin HY"D, who was killed with his wife in a terror attack a few years ago, and besides the great loss to the great Henkin family, we all lost a young Talmid Chacham and scholar.Since I personally find myself thinking of this loss, I will attach his work le'Iluy Nishmaso.

Kol Tuv,

Aharon Steiner