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1. Miktzas ha'Yom k'Kulo 2. Bar Pada saying that when he shaves on 31st, he can shave on 61st

Moishy Wieder asked:

As we saw onprevious daf, bar pada does not hold miktzas hayomkechulo. If this is so, surely, accordingto him, when the nazir keeps thirty days, he should shave on day 31, and his second period should only begin on day 32. This would mean day 61 is his last nezirus day, and he can only shave on day 62?

Moishy Wieder, London, UK

The Kollel replies:

Dear Moishy.

I cannot find the Gemara to which you refer. The Gemara on Daf 5b, cites a Mishnah (from it queries bar Pada) which states that someone who declared two sets of Nezirus shaves the first one on the thirty-first day and the second one on the sixty-first. To answer the Kashya, bar Pada amends the Mishnah.

I am not currently learning this Gemara, and it is difficult for me to decipher a Kashya which is not accurately worded.

Please re-phrase your question correctly, and I will gladly tackle the problem.

Kindest regards

Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler.