Shouldn't v'haTanya be rather k'deTanya ?
Or is this simply on par with the non-standard lingo used in this particular Masechta in general?
Paul Davidowitz, Long Beach, NY USA
1) The Shitah Mekubetzes here (DH In v'ha'Tanya) writes "v'ha'Tanya b'Neichusa." This means that the phrase "v'ha'Tanya" is sometimes used by the Gemara not as a challenge, but on the contrary, as a "Neichusa" -- it is "Neicha," or "comfortable," and the Beraisa conforms with what we have been saying so far. The Beraisa in such a case is not a contradiction, but a support.
We find "v'ha'Tanya" being used "b'Neichusa" also below, Nedarim 87a, Tosfos on the first wide line, and we also find it below, 14a, in Perush ha'Rosh, and in Rashi 49a, DH v'Ha Tanya "b'Neichusa." This is something we find, from time to time, all over Shas, not only in Maseches Nedarim.
It is true that we find sometimes the phrase "Lashon Nedarim Mehuneh," the language of Maseches Nedarim is different from other Masechtos in Shas (see, for instance, Tosfos, Nedarim 7a, DH Tibaye, and Tosfos, 20a, DH Amar Mar). However, in this case we do not need to resort to this concept, because we find sometimes in many other Masechtos the phrase "v'ha'Tanya" being "b'Neichusa."
We wrote the above 18 months ago, and now, two weeks ago, the world suffered the loss of the Gadol ha'Dor, Rav CHaim Kanievsky zt"l. In the way of a Hesped for Rav Chaim zt"l, I would like to add the following to the above response. As a token of appreciation for the great help we have received over the years from the phenomenal knowledge of Shas of Rav Chaim zt"l, I thought I would make a comment of his about Lashon Nedarim Meshuneh that was publicized after his passing.
1) This insight actually appears in Yeshurun, vol. 22, p. 193, and note 222. Once Rav Nachum Pertzovitz zt"l walked into the Beis ha'Midrash. There were two boys learning together b'Chavrusa. They had Maseches Nedarim open in front of them, but in reality they were merely chatting. Out of embarassment, trying to cover this up, one of the boys started singing in the Nigun of the Gemara, "Tanu Rabanan...." Rav Nachum pointed out to them that in the whole of Maseches Nedarim it does not say once the phrase "Tanu Rabanoa"!
2) Somebody related this story to Rav Chaim zt"l, and he clearly very much enjoyed it. However, he closed his eyes for a moment, and was obviously running through Maseches Nedarim from memory. After a few seconds he declared, "Indeed it never says Tanu Rabanan in Maseches Nedarim, but on Nedarim 27a it says, "d'Tanu Rabanan"!
3) In turn, somebody related to Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman zt"l what Rav Chaim had said. Rav Shteinman replied, "What are you so surpised about? The owner of a gorcery store knows by heart what he has available in his store. For Rav Chaim, Shas is like his Makolet! He knows everything that is in it, since he is constantly reveiwing Shas to ensure that he does not forget a single detail!"
4) At any rate, from what Rav Nachum Pertzovitz said, I was thinking that we now have another example of the non-standard language in this Masechta. It never states "Tanu Rabanan," which must be very exceptional.
5) And then I found that Rabeinu Zarachyah ha'Levi, the Ba'al ha'Me'or, writes in Sefer ha'Tzava (this is printed at the end of the Chidushei ha'Ramban on Shas, after Maseches Nidah and Hilchos Nidah by the Ramban), in the fifth Midah that "in Maseches Nedarim and Maseches Nazir, veha'Tanya is always said as a support and b'Neichusa." So you were correct, Paul!
Kol Tuv,
Dovid Bloom