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1. Ruling Like Reish Lakish Against the Majority 2. Did Runya Fence His Date Trees?

1. T. Aronoff asks:

Your point by point says Runya fenced his date trees. The Rav of our shiur said that this is not correct. He said that Runya harvested his date trees. He said it is clear from the loshon of Rashi where it says "Mi-dekel" that Runya was harvesting FROM the date trees and not fencing around the date trees. He said that there are specific verbs used to mean harvesting for specific crops and trees and although the verb used here could be understood to mean fencing it is in fact supposed to be understood to mean harvesting.

T. Aronoff,

Ramat Beit Shemesh

2. The Kollel replies:

Your Rav is correct. We will fix the outline to say

(a) Ravina surrounded Runya on all four sides and asked for compensation; Runya refused to share even the cost of a reed fence or the savings of not having to guard his field. One day Runya was harvesting one of his date trees; Ravina asked his sharecropper to bring some of Runya's dates. Runya screamed.

Pesach Feldman