Who were the ten batlanim? I have a list that names 13, that includes 3 Dayanim. But wish to have a definite list of ten
Thank you
Shmuel Shimshoni , Hadera, Israel
The ten Batlanim were not specific people. They were either (a) ten people supported by the community to stay in the Beis Keneses throughout the day and be available to make a Minyan for prayer (RASHI here and to 3b); (b) ten people who work during the day but arrive at the Beis Keneses early in the morning and stay late in the evening to be available to make a Minyan for prayer (RAN).
The Chidushei ha'Ran adds that these ten were ten people who served the spiritual needs of the city, and were based in the synagogue and thus were available to help make minyanim, and they were comprised of:
3 Dayanim (as you mentioned),
1 Shamash of Beis Din,
2 Gaba'im of the Tzedakah collection,
1 additional Gabai Tzedakah for the distribution of the funds,
1 Sofer,
1 Chazan, and
1 Melamed Tinokos (teacher of children) --
for a total of 10.
B'Virchas Kol Tuv,
Eliezer Chrysler (and Y. Shaw)