Insights for daf 5b in megillah you quote Rav Hutner z"l in Pachad Yitzchok. Can you tell me which Maamar it is? I have been looking for it and and cannot seem to find it.
Thank you,
Kol Tuv,
Yonoson Hirtz, Fresh Meadows, New York, USA
I think it is in Pachad Yitzchak, Purim, at the end of Kuntres Reshimos, pp, 112-113.
There Rav Hutner cites the Gra that "Yom Kipurim" is "Yom k'Purim" -- a day like Purim. Just as Yom Kippur does not have the Inyan of "half for yourselves" as it is all for Hash-m, so Purim does not have "half for Hash-m" as it is all for yourselves, which is why Klal Yisrael did not accept upon themselves a prohibition to do work on Purim, as the Gemara 5b states.
This fits well with what is said in the name of the Gra that the Simchah on Purim through Se'udas Purim corresponds to the Simchah that we have on Yom Kippur (which is the happiest day in the year). Since we cannot mark the Simchah of Yom Kippur by making a Se'udah, we complete this Inyan by making a Se'udah on Purim, since Yom Kippur is like Purim.
Kol Tuv,
Dovid Bloom