Id like to ask how to understand the Shakla vetarya of the Gemara on daf 4b. Because it seems from the first beraisa that Rav Huna addresses a case in which there is no 1 tefach of kundisin (whilr R Nachman states that there is a tefach as Rashi says). Because if there is a tefach wide, there is no need of the rule of gud asik, and also the gemara could have asked to Rav huna right away from the last beraisa in the amud, which says that R Yaakov machshir kundas which have a tefach wide in the ground. But when the Gemara effectively asks against rav hunas approach, it brings a beraisa that clearly refers to a kundas which have a tefach wide, because otherwise there is no understanding in the beraisa at all - there is no gud asik to be said, and R Yaakov does not permit in a case that is less than a tefach. So why is it a question to Rav Huma at all? He was addressing a case that it does not have a tefach wide!
Joseph kayeri, Sao paulo, brazil
Rav Huna originally uses Gud Achis for Rebbi Yakov because he holds Tefach Diyumdin of Kundisin is not good, even according to Rebbi Yakov.
The Chazon Ish (150:5) explains that Rav Huna did not know of the Beraisa of Aretz and Diyumdin (and adds that maybe Rav Nachman also did not know of the Beraisa and explained it on his own) and did not think it works at all by Sukah, even with a Tefach, and therefore explained with Gud Achis. Afterwards, he gives in to Tefach Diyumdin, but also wants to explain with Gud Achis.
All the best,
Reuven Weiner