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7. Rebbi Yosi ha'Galili and Rebbi Akiva 8. Prishah as learned from Har Sinai

Eric Landau asks:


My cheversa and me are having a big dispute on this daf. On daf Dalad amud beis it brings down the maklos between R' Yosi hagali and Rabbi Akiva. The gemara says their argument ties into the maklos in Shabbos on which day the Torah was given. The way I understand the rest of the gemara is that only R' Yosi hagali and R' Akiva's opinions are being reflected. My cheversa is trying to say that the Tanna kama holds like R' Yosi Hagali that there was peresha after, while R' Yosi would hold there was none. He is going based on the Rashi and Bach. I am learning that they are explaining each position according to how R' Akiva and R' Yosi Hagali would explain the gemara. My position is that this gemara isn't addressing the positions of the tanna kama and R' Yosi. Please help to explain which is the correct way of learning.


Eliezer Tzvi Landau

The Kollel replies:

Dear Eric,

I don't understand the point of dispute. R' Yosi HaGlili is definitely linked to the Tana Kama, and R' Akiva is linked to R' Yosi. Your Chavrusa is right ( the Maharsha reads differently than the Bach). Afterword, when the Gemara addresses directly R' Akiva and R' Yosi HaGlili, automaticly the Tana Kama and R' Yosi are indirectly involved.

All the best, Reuven Weiner