More Discussions for this daf
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Duvie Merkin asked:

The Gemora answers up the question on Reb Chiya....We learn from Reb Akiva that 2 is Putar- So we say heilach is putar?

The Gemora answers that Shana Hasam b/c Shtar Misyahu.

My question.... If Shtar is = to Heilach. If by heilach we saw from our Mishnah that we have Anan Sadi,& if the Pshat of Shtar is Aidim= So what Kind of answer is this by the Gemorah?

Duvie Merkin, Silver Spring MD, USA

The Kollel replies:

Rashi (DH v'Shani) explains that the Eidim are actually testifying that the loan was only two. We see this from the fact that the Eidim did not write any specific number in the Shtar. However, in the regular case of Heilech, or in the Mishnah we have no evidence as to the rest which the Eidim do not testify about at all.

Dov Freedman