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1. Why isn't it a good Tana Tuna? 2. Achrayus and exemption of Shevu'ah on Karka 3. The Final Answer For Rebbi Chiya
4. Rebbi Akiva, Rebbi Shimon ben Elazar 5. Heilach

Rob 613 asked:

At the bottom of 4B is a reference to another mishna in kiddushin, shavuos, and later in Bava Metzia, regarding a mixture of a claim of items with achrayos and items without achrayos.

There seems to be a parallel that since karka is sold with achrayos by default, and keilim without achrayos by default, that we should presume that the reason for the exemption of shavua on claims involving karka is due to achrayos.

I would like to ask on this presumption to see if anyone questions the applicability of that mishna to our case on any grounds such as that the exemption on karka, from the Torah apparently (given the earlier discussion in our gemara with its quoted passuk as the source for Modeh b'Miksas), would still apply even in a case where the default rules were specifically not applicable being explicitly in a shtar that the land was sold without achrayos, or if vessels were sold with achrayos?

I believe this topic came up within the 2nd or 3rd perek of Bava Basra when I learned it b'keyus last year, regarding defaults and the exceptions to default.

Could it be that the exemption on shavua for karka is for a reason other than achrayos, and that we cannot be certain of the direct applicability of this referenced mishna to our case?

The Kollel's guidance for how such a case would be dealt with in practical terms as well as my questioning if the intended parallel is such a given would be very much appreciated.

Chaim Chesler

The Kollel replies:

Dear Chaim,

The Mishnah in Shevuos 42b says that there is no Shevu'ah on land. The source brought is Shemos 22:6 where it says "money or Keilim" concerning a Shomer's oath, and this excludes Karka. This is pure Gezeiras ha'Kasuv and definitely means all cases of Karka. (The Bartenura brings Shemos 22:8 as the source.)

Achrayus here does not refer to a sale with a guarantee, as you assumed. Here it is a synonym to land, because land is property which can be depended on (or "responsible") since it cannot be destroyed or stolen, as opposed to Metaltilin. This answers everything.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner