How can the Gemara suggest that we compare the going out of a na'ara from the (slave) master to the going out from the father in that he loses his right to annul her vows alone -this is only a going out in one respect and that is a full going out, please explain.
Your question would be valid if the Gemara was learning the going out of a Jewish maidservant (not slave) from that of a Na'arah leaving the domain of her father, but that is not what the Gemara is doing here. Rather, the Gemara is learning an inference from "Ein Kasef," which teaches us that even though the master cannot claim money when the maidservant goes out at the end of six years, the father does receive the money of his daughter's Kidushin when she leaves his domain.
The Gemara actually does ask a form of your question and answers that it does not matter if the "goings out" are different; as long as there is a going out in some form or another, the inference is acceptable.
B'Virchas Kol Tuv,
Eliezer Chrysler