More Discussions for this daf
1. Women's obligation in Parshas Zachor 2. Question on Rashi and Tosfos 3. Megilah 004: Reason Why Kfarim Move Forward to Yom ha'Kenisah
4. Reading Megilah on Shabbos 5. Kefarim at the Yom ha'Kenisah 6. Bnei ha'Kefarim on Yom ha'Kenisah
7. Gezeirah d'Rabah 8. Reading Megilah on Shabbos 9. Rebbi Yossi or Rebbi?
10. Rabah's decree 11. Reason why Kfarim can bring forward to Yom Haknisah 12. Women's obligation in Megilah
13. Women's obligation in Sukah 14. Learning the Halachos of Purim on Shabbos 15. Women & Megilah
16. Yom ha'Kenisah 17. Tosfos' Shitah of saying Birchas Zman 18. Who built Lod and Ono?
19. יום הכניסה

edward erani asked:

please explain according to the Ri what exacly is the mehayev to say zman by day as well

you could answer in english or hebrew

edward erani, usa

The Kollel replies:

The simple explanation is that the main Mitzvah of reading the Megilah is during the day. Tosfos brings two proofs that this is so. Accordingly, the Berachah of Zman is said not only the first time the Mitzvah is done (at night), but also before the primary time that the Rabanan decreed that the Megilah should be read, which is during the day. There are those who argue that it is not possible that Shehecheyanu should be said twice for the same Mitzvah, regardless if the second time is the primary time the Mitzvah must be performed. The Pnei Yehoshua seems to be bothered by this, and gives an alternate explanation (unlike Tosfos). He explains that the Shehecheyanu said at night is not for the Mitzvah of reading the Megilah, but rather for the beginning of the "Yom Tov" of Purim. The Shehecheyanu during the day is for the Mitzvah of Megilah. However, it should be noted that many Rishonim (Rashba, Ritva, etc.) accepted the logic presented by Tosfos.

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose