More Discussions for this daf
1. A father who gives a Shekel for his son 2. Shekalim 003: Mechusar Kapparah 3. Seizure of Shekalim
4. Mar'is Ayin 5. עיבור השנה והפקר ב"ד הפקר 6. מנין שהיא פטורה מן המעשרות

Aaron Pacanowski asked:

In the Gemara it says that someone in between 20 and 60 if they didn't give the 1/2 Shekel they'd force it out of them. But they'd just have a big box and people would put the 1/2 shekel into that box. How did they keep a record about who gave and who didn't?

Aaron Pacanowski, Melbourne, Australia

The Kollel replies:

I had the same problem.

To answer the question, I guess that the Kohanim must have been familiar with all the local people (to whom this Halachah applies), or perhaps they even kept records of them, in which case, they may have ticked off all the locals who arrived, enabling them to keep check on those who did not.

Perhaps they even appointed a Kohen to perform this task. Perhaps one of the Gizbarin, Amarkolin or Katlikin (discussed on 14b) did it.

Be'Virchas Kol Tuv

Eliezer Chrysler.