More Discussions for this daf
1. Tosfos and the Gezeirah of a Sukah higher than 20 Amos 2. Amaltera 3. Tefachim
4. "Amaltera" 5. Heker 6. יליף וגמר
7. יליף וגמר 8. יליף וגמר

Y. Milevsky asked:

It seems as if in dinei succah, there is no Amaltera 'loophole'. Bottom line...why is that???

Yashar Koach!

Y. Milevsky, Toronto, Canada

The Kollel replies:

This is because most Rishonim Pasken like Rava in Sukah (2a), who says that a Sukah must be a "Diras Arai" -- "temporary dwelling," and therefore cannot be built in a manner which requires more permanent-like construction. This Halachah according to Rava, unlike the opinion of Rabah, has nothing to do with noticing the S'chach. It therefore does not enter into Hilchos Sukah.

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose

Y. Milevskyresponds:

O.K. Let me restate my question. According to Rabah, would an Amaltera not work for a succah?

The Kollel replies:

The Sfas Emes in Sukah (2a) ponders this question, and says that it would seem that Amaltera should work for Sukah according to Rabah. However, he concludes that this needs more study.