Rashi says that if the ba'al comes and is mearer on the get then it is "ookie chad lebehaday chad" and then the women goes back to her chazaka. Is this a fullfillment of the rabbi's decree that we are worried about like in the last rashi of beis amud bais? also what type of ir'oor is this? a real p'sul or la'az like what tosafos seems to say? Thank you
Yosef Bondi, NYC, NY
Rashi at the end of Amud Beis is explaining the decree of Rabah that we are actually afraid that it is not Lishmah. The Gemara of Ir'ur is addressing the possibility that the Ba'al will come and be Me'ar'er.
The Ir'ur of the Ba'al is that he claims he did not write the Get ("Mezuyaf"). This is true according to both Rashi and Tosfos. The Machlokes is whether he is actually believed, as Rashi states, or whether he will just manage to create a harmful La'az. However, the content of his Ir'ur is the same according to both.
D. Zupnik