I am presently learning Daf Gimmel with my Chavrusa.
We just saw that the Gemmara claims that people with one faculty (either SHOOMEA VANO MDABER OR MDABER VAINO SHOMEAH) will be Chayiv in Simcha (and other Mitzvot) but not in Reiyah (due to Gzeira Shava).
So then the gemara asks LEMERA DCHI LO MISHTAI LO GAMUR? and brings the story of the two Ilmim, then the Gemara concludes in thew name of Mar and similarly from Rav Ashi--that we learn the pasuk--LEMAN YELAMEI-DU INSTEAD OF LEMAN YELMEDU
mEANING THEY HAVE TO BE ABLE TO TEACH THE TORAH- in order to be Chayiv in Mitzvat Hakel.
So my Chavrusa wanted to know what does that mean--does that YELA--MEI-DU mean ONLY in the classic sense of teaching--Verbal Oration--or what happens if an Elam can communicate with a communications board--or a computer--or I added today we have sign language.
What if one of those Elam's attending Rebbi's shuir would gather 30 Illmim and via sign language would teach them the Daf Yomi--would that put him into the category where he is now Chayiv Bhakel?
Yakov Moshe Pasner, Beitar Illit
1) The Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 47:3 states that if somebody writes words of Torah without reading them, he must say Birchat Hatorah before he starts writing. We can learn from here that writing Torah is also considered Torah. According to this if I write an answer for Kollel Iyun Hadaf this is also Torah (asumming my answer is correct!- DB).
2) So why did the 2 Ilmim in our Gemara not write books and teach Torah that way? The answer can be because the Gemara Gitin 60b tells us that in the time of the Gemara one was not allowed to write down the Oral Torah. However nowadays one is allowed to write down Torah She-Baal Peh (see Gitin 60a). According to this they could teach Torah on the computer.
Dovid Bloom
Dafyomi shiur for illmim:
In Collected Teshuvot of Rav Elyashiv zt'l (volume 1 chapter 10 page 20) there is a teshuva about someone who was born without the faculty of hearing or speech, and was taught to speak and lip-read and is now able to conduct a conversation with the help of sign language. He learns in Yeshiva and is successful in his studies. He has a hearing aid which enables him to hear the sound of cars on the street but he is unable to hear the speech of conversations.
Rav Elyashiv discusses this question at length and comes to the conclusion (page 24 DH LeFi) that the Halacha follows the leading Poskim; the Divrei Chayim, the Beis Shlomo and the Maharsham; that such a person is chayiv in Mitzvot.
It would seem to follow from this that even if he has only one illem in his Dafyomi shiur; who really does understand the daf from the shiur; then he is chayiv b'Hakhel.
Behatzlachah Rabah
Dovid Bloom