The gmara equals the case of shote to ox which "NAGAH" 3 different animals (shor, hamor, gamal) to give it the title of "MU'AD". My Q. IS: according that - the shoteh dosen't need to do all the 3 things - even if he is going twice to graveyard and once to tear his clothes (for example) he become "shoteh" - and that not like R. HUNA opinion.
rafi magid, givat shmuel
Your question would be valid if it was enough to do each of the acts of a Shoteh once -- then he would be declared a Shoteh by three instances. However, each of the indications of being a Shoteh is when the person does these things generally and not as a one time incident. Therefore, going to the graveyard twice, only adds up to once.
Dov Zupnik