More Discussions for this daf
1. The statement of Rebbi Chanina mi'Sura 2. Zivugim 3. sotah
4. Second Marriage 5. Kinuy b'Zman ha'Zeh 6. Rashi DH Makneh Lah Al Pi Shenayim
7. One Ed by Sotah Vadai 8. What if Husband Dies? 9. Shmuel bar Rav Yitzach amar Resh Lokish
10. Kinui Without Eidim 11. Laws of Sotah 12. Zivug Rishon and Zivug Sheni
13. Finding the right one 14. Sotah 15. Zivug Rishon and Sheni
16. Different factors for a Sotah 17. V'Ed Ein Bah 18. 7 Nations
19. נאמנות הבעל לטומאה

j. Fogel asked:

What is the punishment for a Sotah that confesses? Is it just that hse rips up the Ketuvah or Does she receive death like a regular woman who committed adultery? Why would that be so?

j. Fogel, Jerusalem, Israel

The Kollel replies:

It is a rule that no punishments of the Torah are administered based on the confession of the perpetrator. Neither Malkus nor death nor monetary fine. She does lose her Kesubah.

D. Zupnik