
What is the intent of "Ki Mos Namus"?


Rashi: (We are all destined to die.) This is enough punishment for us!


Malbim: There is no gain through killing Avshalom, since he is not Chayav Misah bi'Ydei Adam. We will all die anyway!


Can spilled water not be gathered?


Radak: If it spills on a sloped place, it goes away and cannot be gathered. So the soul of a man [who died], based on nature, is not returned, only through a miracle, in Techiyas ha'Mesim.


Malbim: It is absorbed into the ground. So the flesh and blood [of a Mes] decay in the ground.


What is the meaning of "v'Lo Yisa Elokim Nefesh"?


Rashi: Hashem does not raise a soul from death.


Radak: Hashem does not show favoritism and exempt a soul from leaving the body (we will all die). Therefore, man must not increase bloodshed, rather, limit it as much as possible. And if someone killed, Hashem said to kill him only if there were witnesses and warning.


Targum Yonasan: A righteous judge may not take false money 1 .


Malbim #1: Hashem does not exempt one who deserves to die. He gets his punishment bi'Ydei Shamayim!


Malbim #2: Even though Hashem punishes the body, He does not finish off the soul. [Yisa] is like "Kim'at Yisa'eni Oseni" (Iyov 32:22).


I.e. a bribe; so he translated "Shochad" (Shmuel I, 8:3). I do not understand how this applies here. (PF)


What is the meaning of "v'Chashav Machashavos l'Vilti Yidach Mimenu Nidach"?


Rashi: The king should think [about how to avoid a soul being cast off].


Radak: If one killed b'Shogeg, Hashem thought how to prevent his death.


Ralbag: Hashem has many ways to kill. No one can escape. Perhaps it was Hashem's plan that Amnon die due to his sin!


Malbim: Hashem plans, that one who is cast off, not be cast off from Him. He should not be in a Tamei land, where he will be led away from Hashem and learn to do like the Nochrim.

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