
What is the meaning of "Lo Nasog Achor"?


Rashi: It was not wont to be drawn back (without killing the enemy). Radak - it is like Nasog with a Samech, like "Yisogu Achor" (Tehilim 35:4).


Malbim: This refers to "mi'Dam Chalalim." Sometimes an archer draws back his bow (refrains from shooting) when he sees that much blood has been spilled, and his heart gets soft. Yehonason did not do so. He did not die due to inexperience in war.


Why does it say that Sha'ul's sword did not return empty?


Malbim: This refers to "me'Chelev Giborim." One who fights with a sword, sometimes he approaches a mighty man, and [the enemy's] fat stops him, for he cannot stab him with his sword 1 . This did not happen to Sha'ul. He did not die due to inexperience in war.


How does obesity protect from being stabbed? Eglon was quite obese, and Ehud stabbed and killed him (Shoftim 3:21)! (PF)


Why does it mention a bow regarding Yehonason, and a sword regarding Sha'ul?


Malbim: Yehonason used to fight with a bow (1:18:4, 1:20:20) and Sha'ul only with a sword and spear. Both are needed in war; the bow kills from afar, and the sword from nearby.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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