
What is the meaning of the word "mi'Neged"?


Rashi: It means 'from a distance'. 1


Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: It means 'from opposite'.


See Sifsei Chachamim.


Having said "Ki mi'Neged Tir'eh es ha'Aretz", why did Hashem need to add "ve'Shamah Lo Savo!"


Rashi: To explain why He gave Moshe the opportunity to see the land. 1


Targum Yonasan: He added it in response to Moshe's request to cross the Yarden and see the land before dying, which he requested, after comparing himself to a man who, after paying a large ransom to redeem his only son after he was captured, he taught him Chochmah, and a trade, arranged his betrothal, and planted for him a royal garden, built him a nice apartment to live after his Chasunah, set-up the canopy and tied the curtains. He had invited the bridegroom's friends and poured out the wine. and then, just as the celebration was about to begin, he is summoned to the royal court and sentenced to an death by the king, to be carried immediately - without giving him a chance to enjoy the Simchah of his son's wedding. 2


Rashi: Hashem was telling him that, since he was not destined to enter the land, this was his last chance to see it. Refer to 32:49:1:1.


Targum Yonasan: So too, had he, Moshe, taken Yisrael Yisrael out of Egypt, taught them Torah, built them a Mishkan in the Name of Hashem, and when the time came to cross the Yarden to inherit the land he is seantened to death.

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