
What is the difference between "el ha'Kubah" and "ve'el Kavasah"?


Rashi, Rashbam and Targum Onkelos: The former means that he followed them 'into the tent', and the latter that he pierced the two adulterers 'through their stomachs' (genitals). 1


Rashi (in Parshas Shoftim) and Targum Yonasan (in Pinchas): In fact, the Keivah (stomach) of every Chulin animal that is Shechted is given to the Kohen on account of "ve'ha'Ishah el Kavasah". Refer to Bamidbar, 25:13:1:2 and to Devarim, 18:3:6:1.


Why does the Torah need to teach us that Pinchas pierced them through their genitals?


Rashi: To make it clear to all that he did not kill them for any ulterior motive, but because of the sin that they were performing.


Why does the Torah write "ha'Mageifah" with a 'Hey' - suggesting that the plague was predestined?


Seforno: It inserts the 'Hey' with reference to Hashem's statement in Sh'lach l'cha, 14:23 - following the episode of the Meraglim - "ve'Chol Mena'atzai Lo Yir'uhah" (?Whoever angers Me will not see it!?).


How did Pinchas get away with his act of zealousness without any of Zimri's followers stopping him?


Rashi: Many miracles occurred on behalf of Pinchas. 1. Zimri ought to have screamed for his tribe to help him, but he did not; 2. and that an angel came and struck the members of his tribe, so they did not kill Pinchas; 3. Zimri should have separated from Kozbi (to save himself) 1 , but he did not. 4. Pinchas pierced them exactly through their genitals. 5. They did not fall off the spear when he raised it. 6. An angel lifted the lintel above the tent in order that Pinchas should leave with the spear still pointing upwards (so they would not fall off).


Rosh: Pinchas removed the spearhead, and put it under his cloak. He used the wood like a walking stick, and said that he wants to be Mezaneh with her.


Targum Yonason: Pinchas experienced twelve miracles: 1. Zimri should have separated from Kozbi in order to save himself, but he did not. 2. The two adulterers were struck dumb and were unable to scream for help; 3. Pinchas pierced them exactly through their genitals. 4. They did not fall off the spear when he raised it; 5. An angel lifted the lintel above the tent in order that Pinchas should leave with the spear still pointing upwards (so they would not fall off); 6. He carried them round the entire camp (six Parsah) without becoming tired; 7. He rised them aloft with his right hand hand to show all Zimri's relatives and they were unable to harm him; 8. The wood of his spear did not snap from the weight of the two bodies; 9. The metal spearhead lengthened to hold both of them and they did not slip off. 10. An angel switched them round so that Zimri was on top and Kozbi underneath, and everybody saw their shame (the way that they sinned); 11. They remained alive until he took them round the camp and put them down, so that he should not become Tamei be'Ohel ha'Meis - and he was a Kohen; 12. Their blood congealed, to prevent it from falling on him and rendering him Tamei Meis. 2


Sifsei Chachamim: In which case, Pinchas would have been forbidden to kill him.


See also Sifsei Chachamim and Na'ar Yonasan.


How was Pinchas, wo was a Kohen, allowed to kill Zimri and Kozbi and become Tamei?


Rosh #1 (on Pasuk 11) and Da'as Zekenim (on Pasuk 13) #1: He became a Kohen only after he killed them. 1


Rosh #2 (on Pasuk 11), Da'as Zekenim (on Pasuk 13): They were quivering and Gosesim (close to death), but did not die until Pinchas separated from them. 2


Rosh: This is difficult, since his father was a Kohen! (Refer to 25:13:2:1). Hadar Zekenim (on Pasuk 14) - one of Elisheva's seven Simchos on the eighth day of the Milu'im was that her grandson (Pinchas) was Mashu'ach Milchamah! Da'as Zekenim (on Pasuk 13, citing R. Shmuel) - perhaps he was Mashu'ach Milchamah, but he was not a Kohen regarding the Avodah and passing on to his children until now.


Da'as Zekenim - And a Goseis is not Metamei (Did Pinchas know that they would not die until later?! Perhaps indeed, he knew through Ru'ach ha'Kodesh. Even though Kana'im Pog'in Bo overrides Piku'ach Nefesh [of the sinner], if another Kanai (not a Kohen) could kill them, Pinchas would not be permitted. He did not seek another Kanai. However, Targum Yonason (on Pasuk 7) says that he took his spear only after he saw that everyone else was silent. (PF)


The Sifri counts among the miracles that their blood congealed, to prevent it from rendering him Tamei. But they were still alive, in which case their blood was not Metamei? Moreover, according to the opinion (in Zevachim 101b) that Pinchas was not yet a Kohen, it would not have been a problem if he had become Tamei?


Moshav Zekenim (on Pasuk 7): Some answer that if the blood would have still been on him after death, it would have brendered him Tamei. The miracle that he did not become Tamei was so to enable him to become a Kohen [and serve] immediately after this, without having to wait seven days to become Tahor.

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