
When did she open for him?


Seforno: In the days of Yoshiyah - "va'Ya'amod ha'Melech Al Amdo va'Yichros Es ha'Bris; ... Kol Yamav Lo Saru me'Acharei Hashem" (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 34:31, 33).


Malbim (Melitzah): She tested separating from the body and to roll up (remove) the curtain of physicality that separates between her and her Beloved. However, he already left.


What is the meaning of "Chamak Avar"?


Rashi: It was hidden and covered from me. This is like "Chamukei Yerechaayich" (7:2) - the thighs are called so because they are hidden. "Ad Masai Tischamakin" - you hide and cover yourself due to shame that you sinned against me.


Rashi (6, according to the metaphor): He did not nullify His decree told to Chizkiyah - "Hinei Yamim Ba'im v'Nas'u Kol Asher b'Veisecha...; umi'Banecha Asher Yetze'u Mimecha Asher Tolid" (Yeshayah 39:7) - these are Daniel, Chananyah, Misha'el and Azaryah. Also the decree about Yoshiyah via Chuldah ha'Nevi'ah - "Hineni Mevi Ra'ah Al ha'Makom ha'Zeh" (Yirmeyah 19:3) and it says "v'Chamohu Lo Hayah Lefanav Melech...; Ach Lo Shav Hashem me'Charon Apo ha'Gadol... Al Kol ha'Ke'asim Asher Hich'iso Menasheh; va'Yomer Hashem Gam Es Yehudah Asir me'Al Panai... 1 " (Melachim II, 23:25-27).


Seforno: "Lo Shav Hashem me'Charon Apo ha'Gadol... Al Kol ha'Ke'asim Asher Hich'iso Menasheh" (Melachim II, 23:26). Malbim (Melitzah, citing a Midrash) - He was full of Evrah (anger) at me.


Rashi: Yirmeyah prophesized in the days of Yehoyakim and Tzidkiyah "Shuvu Elai v'Ashuvah Aleichem" (Mal'achi 3:7)! Hashem would not totally nullify the decree, but He would lighten the punishment, and establish their kingships when they return from Galus, to plant and build them so they will not be destroyed. (The verse is in Mal'achi. Why does Rashi attribute it to Yirmeyah? - PF)


Why does it say "Bikashtiv v'Lo Matzasihu"?


Seforno: I sought Him in the days of Yehoyakim - "Kir'u Tzom Lifnei Hashem...; va'Yikra Baruch ba'Sefer" (Yirmeyah 36:9-10).


Malbim (Melitzah): I sought Him via Teshuvah, and I did not find Him.


Why does it say "Karasiv v'Lo Anani"?


Seforno: I called via Yirmeyah - "Im Avoneinu Anu Vanu Hashem Ase Lema'an Shemecha" (Yirmeyah 14:7). He did not answer - "Eineni Shome'a El Rinasam", "Im Ya'amod Moshe u'Shmuel Lefanai Ein Nafshi El ha'Am ha'Zeh" (ibid., 12, 15:1).


Malbim (Melitzah): I called Him via Tefilah and supplications, and He did not answer me.


What do we learn from "Nafshi Yatz'ah v'Dabro"?


Shabbos 88b: After every utterance of Hashem, Yisrael's souls left them. (Even though they died after the first utterance, Hashem revived them with dew that will be used for the ultimate Techiyas ha'Mesim.)


Rashi: [I became faint] when He said this. He said, I will not come to your house, for initially you did not want to open for Me.


Seforno: This was via Chuldah ha'Nevi'ah - "v'Sitach Chamasi ba'Makom ha'Zeh v'Lo Sichbeh" (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 34:25).


Malbim (Melitzah): [I became faint, for] He spoke harshly. The Nevu'ah informed of the split of Malchus Beis David. The highest level of his Nefesh - Neshamah of the Neshamah, via which he received Ru'ach ha'Kodesh and Nevu'ah, it already separated from him.

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