
Why does it mention Shlomo's bed?


Torah Temimah citing Sanhedrin 20b: At first 1 , he was king (even) over higher beings 2 - "va'Yeshev Shlomo Al Kisei Hashem." Later, he was king [only] over people


Rashi (20b): This was before he married Nochriyos.


Ramah (20b): I.e. angels and Ruchos.


What is the significance of the 60 Giborim?


Rashi: These are the 60 Rivo (10,000's of Bnei Yisrael) around [the Ohel Mo'ed and Aron].


Malbim (Melitzah, from Ohalos 1:8): There are 248 limbs of the body. Of them, 120 are most external (60 bones in the toes and 60 in the fingers), 60 are more internal (in the rest of the legs and arms), and 68 are the primary build of the body - 22 ribs, 18 vertebrae, nine in the head, eight in the neck, six in the chest, and five in the organs of sperm and the anus. These 60 1 guard the Nefesh from leaving the bed (body).


Malbim (Mashal): Refer to 3:6:1:4.


It seems that he refers to the last 68 counted. Why does it say 60, and not 68? Is there a reason to exclude specifically the eight in the neck? (PF)


Why does it say "mi'Giborei Yisrael"?


Rashi: They are men who go out to fight. This excludes those below 20 years and above 60.


Malbim (Melitzah): Just like Yisrael (Yakov Avinu), who was Yashar (overcame) the spiritual angel (Bereishis 32:29), so these Giborim defeat the Divine Nefesh, and say 'I will not let you go', and do not let it separate from them.

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