
What is "Alukah"?


Rashi citing Menachem: It is like the simple meaning (a leech).


Rashi, from Shocher Tov 31:9: It is an expression of the grave and descent.


Malbim (Derech ha'Muskal #1: It is the name of a [heretical] philosopher; his mindset is called on his name.


Malbim (Derech ha'Muskal) #2: It is the name of the physical matter from which they say that the world came about. Just like an Alukah (leech) sucks blood and kills, this matter causes everything made from it to wither away.


Malbim (Derech ha'Pashut): She is the mother of two wives of an evil king who denied Hashem.


Who are the two daughters, and what do they request?


Avodah Zarah 17a #1: These are two groups that scream in Gehinom (due to their great tortures), that say in this world 'Hav Hav (give, give)' - heretics and the authorities.


Avodah Zarah 17a #2: Gehinom is requesting (to receive) the two groups that say in this world 'give, give' (Gehinom seeks to punish them).


Rashi, from Shocher Tov 31:9: They are Gan Eden, which asks for Tzadikim, and Gehinom, which asks for Resha'im.


Malbim (Derech ha'Muskal 15-16): This explains how they deny their Father in Shamayim. They say that the world came about by itself from a Kadmon Hiyuli (physical matter). It has two daughters - She'ol and Otzer Rechem, i.e. existence and loss that are inherent in physicality. She'ol is loss. The dominion of Rechem is existence that begets everything from its womb.


Malbim (Derech ha'Pashut): They are wives of an evil king who ruined the nation. Via their counsel, he killed many of the nation. There was a famine and drought, and fire consumed in all cities in the country. At a time of afflictions, this king removed his father from the throne and rebelled against his parents and ruled in place of his father, based on his wives' counsel.


Malbim (Derech ha'Pashut) #1: They steal from and ruin the nation.


Malbim (Derech ha'Pashut) #2: 'Hav Hav' is the name of the king's two wives.


What are the three that are not satiated?


Malbim (Derech ha'Muskal 16): The three elements earth, water and Ru'ach constantly mix and transform one to another. It is known that Ru'ach and water are mixed. Water is composed of two gaseous elements - 79 1 parts of oxygen, and 11 parts of hydrogen. Also air has them, but not so much, as is known from chemistry.


Malbim (Derech ha'Pashut): The two daughters are not satiated with the blood of the murdered, do destroy the three evil groups (11-13) - they disgrace their fathers, are Tahor in their own eyes, and lift their eyes (pride).


According to modern chemistry, oxygen accounts for eight times as much of water's weight as hydrogen does. Perhaps the text of Malbim should say 89, and then the numbers add to 100. (PF)


What is the significance of "Arba Lo Amru Hon"?


Rashi: We have much. Metzudas Tziyon - here, "Hon" means 'enough.'


Malbim (Derech ha'Muskal 16): Fire, the fourth element, melts everything. It is the great worker in the world of existence and loss.

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