
What is the meaning of "va'Tarem ki'R'em Karni"?


Radak: You raised my horn like horns of a Re'em - "Karnei Re'em Karnav Bahem Amim Yeganach" (Devarim 33:17).


Tosfos ha'Shalem (Bereishis 28:16, 7): In the future, the Heichal will be 100 Amos by 100 Amos, for the Re'em on which David rode when he was a shepherd, its horn was 100 Amos, and he was saved from it.


Malbim: The horn of my success will rise from its lowliness. Keren hints to physical strength.


Whose horn did Hashem raise?


Radak: The author discusses each Tzadik, who says that the Resha'im, Oyvei Hashem, perish and separate, and he thanks Hashem for the good that He gave to him.


What is the meaning of "Balosi b'Shemen Ra'anan"?


Rashi: I was mixed with oil of authority (anointing). "Balosi" is like "Balul ba'Shemen" (Bamidbar 15:9).


Radak #1: This is Po'el Omed (the action applies only to the subject), as if it says Nivlalti.


Radak #2: This is Po'el Yotzei (it acts on others); You permeated my head with moist oil. This is a metaphor for great good and pleasure.


Malbim: Balosi 1 will be fresh like oil. Even though I withered and grew old, I will be fresh via Hashem's anointing oil; this is a metaphor for His influence. Oil hints to success of the Nefesh.


Malbim: This is like "Acharei Velosi" (Bereishis 18:12, i.e. I withered).

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