
Why are the Resha'im going around?


Rashi: They set traps to make me fall.


Rashi citing Menachem: Resha'im go around the Oni, to swallow him without reason.


Radak: Resha'im go around Tzadikim, to harm them - therefore You must guard them from them!


Malbim: They go around the peel that covers the fruit. They surround the garments and stories of the Torah to falsify them and mix in chaff.


What is the meaning of "Kerum Zulus li'Vnei Adam"?


Brachos 6b #1: This refers to things that are at the RoM (peak of importance) of the world (Rashi 6b - e.g. Tefilah), yet people are MeZaLZeL (disgrace) them.


Brachos 6b #2: Once a person must take money from others (Rashi 6b - he is Zal (lowly) in their eyes), his face turns to Kerum (many colors, like a bird of this name).


Rashi: When someone lowly in the eyes of people is elevated. They are envious of my grandeur, that I was taken from tending flocks. This is like "Even Ma'asu ha'Bonim" (118:22).


Rashi (citing Vayikra Rabah 32:1): This refers to Yisrael in the future, when the will be elevated.


Rashi citing Menachem: K'Re'em (a giant creature) ha'Zolel (that is gluttonous - "Zolel v'Sovei" (Devarim 21:2) to eat people.


Radak: When Resha'im are elevated, this is lowliness for people - "u'Vimshol Rasha Ye'ane'ach Am" (Mishlei 29:2).


Malbim: It is at a time when lowly things are elevated in the eyes of people. They abandon the dear and honored (the accepted Emunah and Divine matters). The lowly things - intellectual investigations and deceptive wonders - are dear in their eyes. Then Resha'im seek to put lies and lowly investigations in place of Hashem's words. Then You must guard Your teachings and the creed from falsifiers!

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