
What is "Mate"?


Rashi: It is an expression of a support, like "Kol Mate Lechem" (105:16).


What is the meaning of "Mate Uzecha Yishlach Hashem mi'Tziyon"?


Rashi #1: When you return from war, and your men are tired and chasing, Hashem will send Malki Tzedek Melech Shalem to give to them food and wine (Bereishis 14:18).


Rashi #2: Good deeds that are Metzuyanim (outstanding) in your hand.


Rashi #3: You will reign in Tziyon again, and there will be sent to you a staff of strength, and you will dominate amidst your enemies.


Radak #1: At that time, David conquered Tziyon at the beginning of his kingship, He said, the staff with which you began to strengthen, Elokim began to send it to you from Tziyon. It was a strong fortress, and Hashem put it in your hand.


Radak #2: It mentions Tziyon, for that is where [Hashem's] honor dwells.


Malbim: You yourself, the footstool of David's throne, will not go to war. Rather, Hashem will send the staff of your strength, i.e. your camps.


What is the meaning of "Rede b'Kerev Oyvecha"?


Rashi: You will rule over your enemies in war.


Radak: You will rule over them and not fear them. This is not only in cities of Pelishtim near Eretz Yisrael, rather, even amidst their lands.

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