
What does this Mizmor discuss?


Radak, Malbim #1: It is about Bnei Galus, as if each prays the Tefilah of this Mizmor.


Malbim #2: It discusses the entire nation as an individual.


Why does it say "le'Ani"?


Rashi: This refers to Yisrael - a poor nation.


Michtav me'Eliyahu (5, p.428): This is one poor in Da'as. Even though he has complaints against Hashem in his Tefilah, Hashem esteems his Tefilah greatly, just like the Tefilah of one who is far [from Hashem] completes the Tefilah of the Tzibur. 1


Kerisus 6b: Any fast that does not include (penitent) sinners is not a proper fast. We learn from Chelbenah. It smells bad, yet it is included with the spices for the Ketores.


What is the meaning of "Ki Ya'atof"?


Rashi: His Nefesh is wrapped in affliction.


Radak: One who prays amidst great affliction, he bends himself, as if one end [of him] is wrapped in the other end.


Malbim: His Nefesh is weak amidst afflictions; it faints, and it is about to leave his body. Before it leaves, it pours its words in front of Hashem, and prays about the Galus and the salvation.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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