
What is the meaning of "[b'Ga'avaso


Rashi: He chases. This is like "Dalakta Acharai" (Bereishis 31:36).


Radak: This is openly chasing him, in his pride.


Malbim #1: He chases him amidst his pride; he is not a Shali'ach of Hashem ("Amar b'Cho'ach Yadi Asisi" - Yeshayah 10:13).


Malbim #2: This connects to verse 1. Talim b'Ga'avas Rasha - at times of affliction, You hide Yourself under the pride of the Rasha; he chases the Oni. Your power drives him to do so. He is the staff of Your anger, but it is hidden; people think that the Rasha does so with his strength and pride. The author complains that not all see the hidden. Most err to think that the Rasha's pride wins, and not Yad Hashem!


Why does the verse begin in the singular, and conclude in the plural?


Radak (1): There is one Rasha, but he has many helpers.


What is the meaning of "Yitasfu bi'Mezimos Zu Chashavu"?


Rashi: The poor are caught in the plots that the Resha'im plot for them.


Radak: This is a Tefilah that the Resha'im be caught in the plot they made to seize Aniyim. "Zu" is like Asher, like "Zu Chatanu Lo" (Yeshayah 42:24, is like Asher Chatanu Lo).


Malbim: People think that the Rasha chases the Oni by himself, with his pride, and they doubt Hashgachah. Via these designs, they are caught in the Rasha's hand. They do not recognize that it is a punishment from Hashem, and do not repent, and therefore the Rasha is able to do to them as he desires.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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