
What is the consequence of "v'Arecha Lo Sashovnah"?


Rashi: It is unlike I said about Egypt "v'Shavti Es Shevus Mitzrayim" (29:14), and "v'Ashiv Es Shevus Bnei Amon" (Yirmeyah 49:6), for "v'Es Esav Saneisi va'Asim Es Harav Shemamah" (Mal'achi 1:3) ? eternal desolation.


It is written Sishovnah, and we pronounce it Sashovnah!


Radak: The Kesiv refer to settlement. The pronunciation teaches that it will not return to its earlier state.


Why does it say "vi'Ydatem Ki Ani Hashem"?


Malbim: Then you 1 will know that I am Hashem, who punishes, like it says "Hemah Yivnu va'Ani Eheros" (Mal'achi 1:4).


Who will know? All will be killed! They will know as they die, like it says about Keri'as Yam Suf "v'Yad'u Mitzrayim Ki Ani Hashem" (Shemos 14:4). (PF)

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