
What is the significance of "va'Ta'al Echad mi'Gureha"?


Rashi: This refers to Bnei Yoshiyah ? the first was Yeho'achaz.


Radak, Malbim: She raised one of her cubs, i.e. one of the princes - Yeho'achaz, "va'Yikach Am ha'Aretz Es Yeho'achaz ben Yoshiyah va'Yimshechu Oso va'Yamlichu Oso Tachas Aviv" (Melachim II, 23:30). She raised him until he grew in stature.


Why does it say "Kefir Hayah"?


Radak: He was called a Kefir, but not an Ari, for he did not have a great kingship; most of the land was destroyed then.


Malbim: He reached his power to be king, and learned to tear, like a Kefir.


Why does it say "[va'Yilmad Litraf Teref] Adam Achal"?


Rashi: He steals Yisrael, who are called Adam ? "v'Aten Tzoni Tzon Mar'isi Adam Atem" (34:31).


Rashi (according to the Mashal): Any Chayah that tasted human flesh, it will always confront people.


Radak: This Kefir learned to tear prey, until it ate a person. Most prey of an Ari or Kefir are Chayos; sometimes they tear also man.


Radak (according to the Nimshal): So Yeho'achaz fought those greater than himself, e.g. Egypt, like it says in Sefer Melachim; due to this, Pharaoh Necho incarcerated him.


Malbim: Based on nature, a lion does not eat man. Hashem put fear of man on Chayos. It left his boundary to eat man.


Malbim (according to the Nimshal): Yeho'achaz destroyed also from Yisrael ? "va'Ya'as ha'Ra b'Einei Hashem" (Melachim II, 23:32).

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