
Why does it say "Uri Uri"?


Malbim: You told me "Uri Uri Livshi Oz Zero'a Hashem" (9); I tell you, Tziyon, to waken - it depends on you, like I explained above (17).


Why does it say "Livshi Uzech"?


Radak: Your strength was removed from you until now. Wear it!


Malbim: In Metzudas Tziyon (Ir David) were the Beis ha'Mikdash, Kehunah, Sanhedrin and Malchus. This is the inner Oz!


Why does it say regarding Yerushalayim "Livshi Uzech"?


Malbim: Yerushalayim is the Klal of the city. Only the external garments were there - glorious garments of wealth and a great population.


What is the significance of "Arel" and "Tamei"?


Radak: Respectively, they are Malchus Edom, who are Arelim, and Malchus Yishmael, who show themselves to be Tahor via bathing their bodies, and they are Tamei in their hearts with evil deeds. Both of these kingdoms held Yerushalayim from the day of the Churban, and fought over it a long time. This one conquers from this, and this one from this. From the day of Ge'ulah and onwards, will not pass over it like days of old.


Malbim: Arel will not enter Yerushalayim, and Tamei will not enter Tziyon.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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