
What should be told to the north?


Rashi: Tell the north wind to give (blow, to return) My exiles in the north. Radak #1 - the feminine is used, for Ru'ach is feminine. This is a metaphor, as if the winds will carry them from their place and bring them to Eretz Yisrael.


Radak #2: He tells the residents of the north, like "v'Hevi'u Vanayich b'Chotzen" (49:22).


Malbim: The Jews in the north are closed in; mountains surround them, and they cannot leave. These places should give those who are closed inside them.


What is the meaning of "Al Tichla'i"?


Rashi: The south wind is strong. Do not refrain from blowing strongly to bring My exiles. Similarly, it says "Uri Tzafon u'Vo'i Seiman" (Shir ha'Shirim 4:16) - the north wind is weak, therefore it needs to be strengthened (Uri). Also here, it says "Tni" only regarding the north wind.


Malbim: The Jews in the south are closed in between mountains, just the nations do not let them leave. The verse tells them not to block them from leaving.


Why does it mention sons and daughters separately?


Radak: He will conduct the women gently with their children 1 - "Alos Yenahel" (40:11).


Surely families will return together! The verse merely hints to conducting everyone according to his or her need. (PF)

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