
Why does it mention Yedi'ah and Shemi'ah?


Radak: Do you not know via intellect? Did you not hear from a teacher?


Malbim: Do you not know via intellect and wonders? Did you not hear what is famous and accepted?


Why does it say "Elokei Olam"?


Radak: Elokei is a judge, like "Ad ha'Elohim Yavo Devar Sheneihem" (Shemos 22:8). Whenever Elokim refers to Hashem, it refers to Judge of the world and overseer. He judges everyone according to his matter, just we do not understand His Mishpat. Since He created the entire world, and everyone is His handiwork, He will judge you against your subjugators.


Malbim: He created the upper world, and also Ketzos ha'Aretz. He did not merely lay the cornerstone, and the rest came by itself. Rather, He created also the ends. Will you say that He does not know what happens in the world that He created?!


What do we learn from "Borei Ketzos ha'Aretz... Ein Cheker li'Svunaso"?


Ta'anis 9b: A day of rain is as great as the day of creation of Shamayim va'Aretz. It says Oseh Gedolos Ad Ein Cheker", "ha'Nosen Matar Al Pnei Eretz" (Iyov 9:10, 5:10), and it says "Hashem Borei Ketzos ha'Aretz... Ein Cheker li'Svunaso."


Rashi: One who has such strength and Chachmah, He knows thoughts, why He delays your good. Rather, it is in order to finish the sin via afflictions.


Radak: He created the earth round, in the middle of the spheres that surround it. It is like a point in the circle. Hashem stands it in the middle with His strength, without any support - "Toleh Eretz Al Bli Mah" (Iyov 26:7). Not one of its ends leans to one of the six 'corners' (the four directions, up and below); rather, it is in the middle.


Malbim: If you will ask, since Hashem knows all that happens and will happen, how can there be choice? Hashem's knowledge is Himself, and not something added to Him. Just like we cannot grasp Him Himself, also His knowledge.


Why does it say "Lo Yi'af v'Lo Yiga"?


Radak: Do not say that He created it and supervises it, but He cannot judge it at all times, for sometimes He wearies. You see that He rotates the spheres without ceasing. His strength does not cease! The reason He does not constantly judge Resha'im who subjugate Yisrael is not due to fatigue. Rather, "Ein Cheker li'Svunaso" - we do not know His Chachmah and understanding, but He knows!


Malbim: Do not say that He created the world, but abandoned it and does not know what happens in it. He does not weary from toil! "Ayef v'Yaga" (Devarim 25:18) is thirsty and weary from the road (Tanchuma there).

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