
Here it says "Amarti". In Melachim II, 18:20, it says "Amarta"!


Malbim: Here, he said 'I see what you think in your heart.'


What is the meaning of "Amarti Ach Devar Sefasayim Etzah u'Gevurah la'Milchamah"?


Refer to Melachim II, 18:20:1:1-5.


Why did he say "Atah Al Mi Batachta"?


Malbim: Before you sent tax to Melech Ashur and submitted to him, even had he fought you and conquered you, he would not have exiled you. He would merely impose taxes on you, like those vanquished in war. Now that you sent tax to me and accepted my kingship, if you fight against me you are a rebel, for you annulled the Bris and curse. If I conquer you, I will punish you like a slave who rebelled against his master. On whom did you rely to put yourself in such danger?!


What was the rebellion?


Refer to Melachim II, 18:20:5:4.

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