
Why does it say that they did not heed "Hashem Elokav"?


Malbim: He spoke to arouse them via intellect (but they did not heed).


From what should they have taken Musar?


Malbim: From the punishments.


Why does it say "mi'Pihem"?


Radak: They will not say Emes with their mouths, and all the more so in their hearts. Most people say with their mouths, what is not in their hearts, to show that they are good; they do not fulfill "v'Dover Emes bi'Lvavo" (Tehilim 15:2). These do not say Emes even with their mouths!


Malbim: Emunah is cut off from their hearts and mouths; they do not even do (even by rote) deeds of their fathers.

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