
Why does the beginning of our verse repeat the previous verse?


Radak (7): This is to strengthen the matter.


Malbim: It answers that Egypt is the one who used to rise like the Nile.


Why is there a Patach under the Aleph in "A'aleh", and not a Segol?


Radak: It is Po'el Omed (the action applies only to the subject), like "A'aneh Af Ani Chelki" (Iyov 32:17). If they were Pa'ul conjugation, they would be Yotzei (act on others).


Why does the Aleph in "Ovidah" have a Cholem?


Radak: It is Hif'il. It should say A'avidah; the Cholem comes to make the Aleph (the second Aleph, which is from the root) silent, like it should be.

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