
Due to what is "Kol Sason"?


Malbim: It is due to the nuptial matches that will be made. This is opposite to what they say, that it is desolate of people.


Why are they saying "Hodu Es Hashem


Malbim: It is for the miracles that He will do for them.


Will they bring only Korban Todah?


Radak: They will not bring Chatas and Asham, for there will not be Resha'im and sinners 1 . All Korbanos will be Batel in the future, except for Todah (Vayikra Rabah 9:7).


Chatas is for Shogeg. This implies that people will not sin even b'Shogeg! However, a Yoledes brings a Chatas. Why will people not bring it? (PF)

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