
This Nevu'ah was in Yehoyakim's first year. Why did Hashem say that the kings' messengers are coming to Melech Tzidkiyah?


Rashi: This will be in the fourth year of Tzidkiyah's reign. Nebuchadnetzar authorized him over these five kings.


Radak (1): This Nevu'ah was for when Tzidkiyah will be king, 11 years later.


Radak (Melachim II, 23:30): Ibn Ezra inferred from here that Yoshiyah made Tzidkiyah king in his lifetime, three years before he died. Refer to Melachim II, 23:30:5:3 and the note there.


Malbim: When Nebuchadnetzar became king in Yehoyakim's fourth year, he appointed Tzidkiyah to be second to Yehoyakim. Also he dealt with royal affairs, and they called him Melech Yehudah.


Why will the kings' messengers come to Tzidkiyah?


Radak (1), Malbim: The kings sent to Tzidkiyah to agree with them to rebel against Nebuchadnetzar. Malbim - Yirmeyah commanded them not to rebel.

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