
Why does it say "Oseh Eretz b'Kocho"?


Radak: We serve Him because He made the land. It says b'Kocho regarding the land, because the spheres [on which the Heavenly bodies rotate] constantly go around constantly, without ceasing. The strength [to rotate them] is from Him. Via that strength, the land stands suspended between them. It does not move this way or that, even a hair's breadth - "Toleh Eretz Al Belimah" (Iyov 26:7). A person does not know on what it is suspended. A Chacham contemplates that from the power of the rotation, it stands between them without any support. Even though there is another reason, that its nature is to stand 1 in the middle. Even though it is heavy, Hashem gave to it this nature; everything is from His power.


Malbim: The present tense is used, for Hashem constantly prepares and renews the creation via His constant Hashgachah.


Before Newton, people understood that the elements seek their proper place. Some (earth and water) fall down, and others (fire and Ru'ach, i.e. air) go up. Bodies composed of elements seek their place according to their composition. (PF)


What is "Tevel"?


Radak, Malbim: It is the settled places of the land. Hashem prepared them with His Chachmah, with all needs. Radak - it has (a) flowing rivers and streams, which are essential for civilization; (b) all vegetation and Peros needed for man and animals grow there, and (c) all benefits. He did all with Chachmah.


What is the meaning of "Natah"?


Rashi: He stretched out. Radak - He stretched it like a tent to live under it - "va'Yimtachem ka'Ohel Lashaves" (Yeshayah 40:22). It is like a half-sphere. We see only a half-sphere in Shamayim above the Aretz, but we infer that there is another half-sphere [below the land], for [Shamayim] is a sphere. The stretching of Shamayim, and its quick motion from east to west and from west to east was all done with understanding that one cannot fathom.

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