
Did Shlomo swear?


Malbim: No. There was no need to swear, for in any case he was not Chayav Misah for the past (before Shlomo was anointed).


What is the meaning of "l'Ven Chayil"?


Radak: He should be like a soldier to his master, and fear him and obey him.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: One who fears sin. I.e. he has strength to suppress his Yetzer.


Why did he say "Im Ra'ah Simatzei Vo"?


Malbim: If evil will be found in him [after this], he will be Chayav Misah retroactively. 1


Why is it retroactive? Perhaps now he is exempt, for perhaps he did not know that David wants Shlomo to succeed him. If he rebels after this, this shows that this 'excuse' was not true! However, what forced Malbim to say so? (PF)

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